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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Hats

With the holidays approaching, I have scoured the web for fun (and easy) activities to do with the 2 preschoolers that I nanny.

I found this fun craft. And they can wear their hats for Thanksgiving dinner!! When the boys did it, they were so excited! Granted, it was quite a bit of cutting for me. I did have to prepare some of the materials and they basically glued it together. However, they "feel" like they made the hats, so they did! Plus, it kept their little hands out of mischief for that time, too!

You can find the instructions (as well as many other fun ideas here.)

What an invaluable site! I love the internet!!! Whatever did we do without it??? (ah yes --- we had to scour books instead!!)

What kinds of crafts have you done for Thanksgiving? The hand turkeys are a given (we did those at the library).

I love ideas!

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