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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Job Seeking

Wow, has it really been months since I last updated?

A lot going on in my nanny world! I am officially looking for employment again. the family I worked for won't need me again until Fall, and even then my hours will be way down from before because both boys will be in school most of the week. I've told former MB that if I find a job that allows me to work the one day a week they will need me, that I will do so. But in the meantime, I am looking for more full time work.

I was planning to just take the summer off, and am looking for jobs that have start dates for mid August or Fall. I can afford to do that, as my husband is the main wage earner and we can live quite comfortably on his income alone. However, I came across a job 2 weeks ago that was too good to pass up, that had a start date of immediately, so I applied and interviewed for this job.

The funny thing is, this couple ended up taking a much, much cheaper option of in home daycare. These were people offering between $32000 - $38000 a year for a nanny working 25-40 hours! When we got into the discussion about what is required tax-wise, etc, this corporate executive mother got very confused. Seriously, she abandoned a private nanny over the issue of employer taxes for an unlicensed in-home center that is now costing her probably about $4000 a year?!??!!

My mind is boggled.

But nevermind that......

This has lent me to now kick around the idea of actively seeking for summer, altho I am still not certain I wanna work during summer. The hours and pay would just have to be right, and I am lucky enough to be picky and wait.

Another note: I had a woman pursuing me on a care site, and the hours sounded good. The start date was mid-August, also good. So, in interest, I sent back a reply to this woman's request asking for more details, including that of her pay.

She wrote back giving me all the details I had asked for, except the one about pay.

Now, I am not trying to be a biddy. But with gas prices the way they are, I don't see any need to waste anyone's time on setting up interviews and getting hopes up when something that is a deal breaker can be noted upfront. I am efficient like that, and I admit not everyone appreciates it! When initially corresponding, I make certain the hours, days and pay specifically match up between us or I see no sense in wasting anyone's time. I've been tangled up with too many parents who say things to get me 'in', only to switch the game around to something I very clearly do not want. Like with the Indian couple who pursued me and said they would be flexible and all when I stated that it didn't seem the hours they needed a nanny matched what I wanted in a schedule. Once they got me 'in' tho.....they changed all of that, Added on hours and lessened pay.


IMO, all of that can be avoided. I believe in communicating clearly. In the case of this mother who didn't answer my question, I wrote her back again and told her everything she said sounded good. However, my minimum charge was X, and that was solely for the care of the baby and the cleaning associated only with my being there (meaning I clean up the messes baby and I made while there). If she wanted extra housework, laundry, etc, the charge would be more. I asked her, was this within her range?

I never heard back. Oh well.

Another family, just a few weeks ago, also started pursuing me. I asked the father (who contacted me) for details. Days, hours? He simply said, "8 hours a day 5 days a week"

Well, THAT told me NOTHING. Not to mention, my former family knew of this family and sorta gave the advice to steer clear of them. So I did not write this guy back when he clearly did not answer my question for details.

He then wrote again. I told him it didn't appear as if my needs matched what they needed.

So then he had his wife email me. She was a tad more sociable, it seemed. I basically told her 'no'.

But then I changed my mind, and they had already found someone else!! LOL

Oh well again.

So, anyway, that is my update. I'll keep ya posted on the interesting stories as they happen!

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